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Kellogs Special K

Sep 1, 2011

The Pupil Season 1

To those who didn't know, Carmen Soo was part of the first season of a drama series called The Pupil. 

The Pupil is a Singaporean english drama series on the legal profession. It gives us a sneak peek into the world of Singaporean lawyers and the cases they take on as civil litigators.

Carmen is still going to be a part of season 2, but I am not sure yet if it has already started airing. Watch the first season and see a different Carmen Soo as hotshot lawyer Rachel Sung. She starts to appear in episode 3. 

*I removed the youtube playlist because the videos have been turned private by the uploader.

You can watch the complete episode on this link: THE PUPIL SEASON 1



  1. may i noe why season 1 isnt available anymore ?? please fixed it
